Anton Häring KG wins sustainability award

The Schaeffler Group recognizes 23 out of 25,000 suppliers for outstanding performance - this year, Häring is being honored for its commitment to sustainability.

At Supplier Day 2024 in Herzogenaurach, Schaeffler not only presented awards for outstanding quality or delivery performance, for which Häring has already been honored several times in the past: The global player also honored suppliers who consistently pursue the goal of climate neutrality, by improving their green electricity and recycling rates or through the efficient use of raw materials - all factors that Anton Häring KG intensively and successfully manages.

The Schaeffler Supplier Award is a special distinction - both for suppliers and for Schaeffler itself. Andreas Schick, Board Member for Production, Supply Chain Management and Purchasing at Schaeffler AG, says in the press release: “Schaeffler has always stood for a close and cooperative network with its suppliers. Especially with current global challenges, these relationships are proving to be the basis for long-term corporate success.”

President Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Häring is particularly pleased that Anton Häring KG has been both supplying precision parts for many years and has received various awards from Schaeffler during this time: “As a family-run technology company, we attach great importance to sustainability in economic, social and ecological terms. It is especially meaningful for us to now also be recognized for our ecological commitment. Such awards motivate us on our path, and encourage other companies to become active in this area. Awareness of this issue is often the first step towards a solution.”


  • The fact that Häring continues meets customer requirements and has been committed to social and ecological responsibility since the company was founded can be seen in these activities and successes, among others:
  •   Certification of the company in accordance with ISO 14001 (environmental management system) and ISO 50001 (energy management system)
  •     Reduction of the CO2 footprint (based on the UN's 17 SDGs for sustainable development)
  •     Consistent optimization of the recycling rate - currently:
  •     Oils and emulsions: 95%
  •     Chips, grinding residue, paper, plastic, etc.: 100%
  •     Expansion of renewable energy systems (including the company's photovoltaic system)
  •     Conversion of light sources to LED
  •     Reduction of compressed air consumption
  •     Adaptation of machine and system cooling
  •     and much more.

In addition, Häring reports annually to customers, for example as part of SAQ (Self Assessment Questionaire) - a central audit tool to assess companies with regard to their sustainability guidelines and systems, among other things. The technology company also regularly discloses environmental information (via the CDP questionnaire).

You can find out more about sustainability at Häring at


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