Anton Häring KG is proud of 22 of its employees celebrating an anniversary

At the Christmas party, employees were honored for the many years of service.

In times of constant change, it can no longer be taken for granted to work in the same company for many years. That makes the moment in which employees where honored for working for Anton Häring for 10, 25 or even 40 years even more special. At this year's Christmas party, the Häring family offered congratulations in a festive setting and in front of the entire team. CEO Dr. Jürgen Häring and his wife Miriam Häring took stock of the past years and told a few anecdotes about each of the team members. "Our dedicated and loyal team is a major reason for the years of our shared success. We are proud of each employee and are looking forward to the future," said Miriam Häring.

In this way, Anton Häring KG wants to once again express is gratitude toward the employees who celebrated an anniversary.

40 years: 

  • Gerhard Flad

25 years:

  • Reinhardt Gruber
  • Ralf Huber
  • Johannes Krebs
  • Eduard Kofink
  • Rudolf Piel
  • Waldemar Piel

10 years:

  • Hakan Caliskan
  • Vitali Gerner
  • Inna Hermann
  • Rosemarie Hipp
  • Heike Huber
  • Eduard Jungwirth
  • Osman Karaca
  • Nikolai Kofink
  • Valerij Majer
  • Wladimir Meier
  • Eugen Nemjaschew
  • Andrea Reiner
  • Johann Scheppe
  • Claudia Trometer
  • Irene Weiss


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