经济和劳工部长Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut到访海瑞恩

The German Minister of Economic and Labor Affairs, Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, comes to Anton Häring KG as she traveled around the district.

She was impressed by the local progressiveness and high-tech production. Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut is quoted in the press release that was published by the Ministry as saying, "State-of-the-art Industry, 4.0 technologies, and a tremendous innovative power with consistent progressive thinking for the mobility of today and tomorrow characterize the Baden-Württemberg automobile industry. {...} The strong automotive supply industry is an enormous economic power of the country, which is also of particular importance for the district of Tuttlingen." 

Following a tour of the production halls, a panel discussion took place in the Häring Academy. In addition to the Minister, District Administrator Stefan Bär, and the Cluster Zerspanungstechnik participated. Häring CEO, Dr. Jürgen Häring, spoke about the regional economy’s innovation and initiative that effectively tackles tomorrow’s challenges.

The business sector also relies on the support of politics: "The business sector can only be secure if everyone works together - society, the economy and politics. We rely on good training, continued education, and the new industrial study program from the Heuberg industrial campus in order to make the region more attractive for young junior staff and, of course, we are happy if we find support here ", says Häring.

Minister Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut expressed her willingness to talk and appreciated the input from the companies: "Baden-Württemberg should remain innovative and economically strong while simultaneously keeping their high quality of life. {...} Understandably, there is much uncertainty about how the upcoming changes will affect market and employment. There are not only risks, but also opportunities, provided we make them active and successful. Our strategy must be clearly focused on innovation. {...} Through visits and communication, politicians can receive important information and momentum to properly shape the framework conditions for Baden-Württemberg. "

For more information and citations of the press release, visit: Ministry of Economics, Labor and Housing Baden-Württemberg, https://t1p.de/pdgb

