Geschäftsleitung Miriam Häring steht mit fünf weitere Personen auf der Bühne und hält den Bildungspreis 2022 in der Hand

Anton Häring KG wins IHK Education Award for international training concept

We have been honored with the IHK Education Award for our extraordinary commitment to the education and training of tomorrow's skilled workers. Our technology company won against competition from McDonald's and Roche, among others. A strong sign for our company - and a strong sign for our home region Heuberg.

The IHK Education Prize is awarded to companies that have recognized the value of vocational training and are specifically addressing the shortage of skilled workers by providing suitable holistic training for employees. The award is looking for something special: pioneers, strategists and visionaries with above-average commitment.

In total, there were over 100 applicants in four categories. Anton Häring KG came out on top in the category of large companies with over 500 employees. "Young people from Bubsheim, from the entire region and, thanks to our international concept, from other countries as well, opt for our training program. This is something very special - the younger generations see that they can have a strong future here on the Heuberg," Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Häring, Managing Director of Anton Häring KG, is pleased with the award. "The local association system also helps - without such communal leisure opportunities, companies would have an even harder time. We also see the IHK Education Award as an award for the community in Bubsheim and in the region. There is real teamwork here which benefits everyone."

The award ceremony was organized by the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and took place with over 400 participants on May 16, 2022 in Berlin at the TIPI AM KANZLERAMT. In the live voting, 64% of the votes went to Anton Häring KG, which thus received the prize donated by the Otto Wolff Foundation and endowed with € 6,000. The prize money will be donated to a good cause.
