Geschäftsleitung von Häring steht mit dem Gouverneubesuch und den Mitarbeiter vor dem Gebäude von Häring und lächeln in die Kamera


Governor Brian Kemp, from the US State of Georgia takes a look behind the scenes at Anton Häring KG.

With a new location in Lavonia Georgia, we not only made a large investment in the state itself, but in the US as a whole. With this new development, Governor Brian Kemp, who has been in office since 2019, wanted to personally thank and get to know our family run company. It was Gov. Kemp's first visit to Germany as acting governor.

Shortly before their arrival, Sergio Domingues, the Managing Director of the State of Georgia European Office, announced that this is indeed “A visit in which he would like to personally thank Anton Häring KG for their large investment”. In addition to Governor Kemp and Managing Director Domingues, the visit was followed by the Chief of Staff, Tim Flemming, Deputy Commissioner of International Relations, Abby Turano, and Security Officer, Chris Stallings. For these American guests, the day was a successful opportunity not only to meet the entire company management, but also to learn more about the origin and global influence of the family company; especially in regards to our business in Lavonia. A corresponding program at the company headquarters in Bubsheim ensured that the guests’ thirst for knowledge was satisfied with a tour of the company, an informative presentation, and a get-together lunch at ANTONIS, the company restaurant.

“An international location means a great deal of added value, as well as great responsibility and challenges. Lavonia offered us the ideal circumstances for our first location in America: a large plot of land, manpower, and a lot of potential ", explains Dr. Jürgen Häring.

15 trainees from America are currently employed in Bubsheim. It was a special honor for them to meet the governor of their home state on this day. The training system presented by Häring impressed Gov. Kemp significantly. For him, some of the goals of his office include boosting employment growth and investing in education and infrastructure, goals that will now be driven by the commitment of Anton Häring KG.

Over the next 4 years, the Häring team in Lavonia should grow to 400 team members, "A healthy growth process, since it was successfully implemented at our other locations", defines Jürgen Häring  regarding the further development in Georgia. The basic prerequisites for this are given, “Our ideas for the future coincide with Governor Kemp's work and developmental goals for this state. We were all confirmed on that today. ”
